Fascist Fractals by Strider Marcus Jones

I am not a silent poet

the clock
has stopped-
it’s epoch
to evolution
and revolution-
the face and fingers
with second singers
reducing time
to war and crime.

now ancient tribes,
propelled by propaganda scribes
rag religion and race
to demonise each others face.

these fascist fractals
become the pixels
of photogenic
subliminally imposed
on genetic
bigotry exposed.

all those who remember
are gone with each ember-
of starving skeletons and oven ashes,
piles of clothes, shoes and rimmed glasses
that mean nothing to new masses
mouthing thuggish or intellectual notes
at more demonised scapegoats.

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The Box by Strider Marcus Jones

I am not a silent poet

what do you hide
your six closed sides
of personality-
where secrets of mortality
vacuum boom
from bleak bloom.
we are Their making,
already opened
and decaying
from Their phallic totems
filtering down
into the den of stolen dreams
sinking in squalid screams.
they call us proles
and plebs,
scrounging dole
and sponging bread,
but look in their souls
and heads
we have fed-
it is They who are dead.

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Hot Rod by Strider Marcus Jones

I am not a silent poet

fast and furious
archangel in paint and chrome
brings me home-
purring megaphonious,
combusting with sav and sap
that i glimpse
peeking into warm grill chintz-
then she lifts her corset bonnet
and lets me touch her glinting bones
secreting home spun
attracting, like moon and sun-
and mnemonic
old senses,
fallow and fenced
soon become drenched
quiller and squirter
in that linguistic converter-
glow mapping,
slowly blown
in the metronome.

Strider Marcus Jones – is a poet, law graduate and ex civil servant from Salford/Hinckley, England with proud Celtic roots in Ireland and Wales. A member of The Poetry Society, his five published books of poetry are modern, traditional, mythical, sometimes erotic, surreal and metaphysical http//www.lulu.com/spotlight/stridermarcusjones1. He is a maverick, moving between forests, mountains and cities, playing his saxophone and clarinet in warm solitude.

In 2014, his poetry has been published in A New…

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The Fork by Strider Marcus Jones

I am not a silent poet

the fork bends the river
in your soul,
makes rocks roll
in wrecked weather
to your goal
and breached,
or landed
in tombs
and boxed living rooms.

how you eat
with it
and dead meat
with it-
tells others who you are
like your clothes, house and car
when those posessions
become obsessions.

you can use it
like a broomstick
in your grasp
to rake out the past,
then sow in slower
seeds to see you over
each short infinity
of ruled trinity
if scientific trespass
lets you last.

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Read 5 Poems by Strider Marcus Jones pages 62-68 in A New Ulster Magazine (Anu) Issue 27, December 2014.

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Strider Marcus Jones

The Open Mouse


he is decomposed
from a bramble rose
his thorns
of storms
foetal curled
in the underworld
faerie peat without plough.

is it fun
with all those comical
jacketed jesters-
or primplum
by posh ancestors-
doing the same this and that
to keep your spirit level flat
with docile protestors
wired to silicon investors.

i bought this new fedora hat
in whitewashed Mijas
to be my own brown
see as-
let them face their ignominy
when i wear it here in town-
like an un-shoed horse
from the roadgorse
prancing right
through their moralless light
brim slanted defiantly down
eyes outsider brown.

is it no Left or Right there.
do you have your chair
to sit in.
can you smoke your pipe
gathering stars in its clouds at night
thinking thoughts in nothing.
do you still use words
to help wingless birds
or is…

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Delighted to have 5 of my poems published alongside other amazing poets, writers and artists in the latest issue of The Screech Owl Magazine. Really chuffed. http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-apple-tree.html

The Apple Tree - Issue 4 The Screech Owl Magazine Sept 2014                 http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-apple-tree.html The Screech Owl Magazine Issue 4 September 2014

WOODED WINDOWS by Strider Marcus Jones ~ Book ~ Poetry


Wooded Windows

Paperback, 162 Pages
The poems in this book reflect on my journey through life, love, the Arab Spring and Occupy Movement. As a socialist and one of the 99%, this book is about love, social revolution and the eternal struggle for equality and justice. In these poems, I look into and out of the wooded windows of the past, present and future and become romantic and erotic, political and spiritual. I am a pagan peasant in this poverty and paradise, chained to the same land in serfdom, but trying to climb the tree of life and reach the branches of freedom.

POMEGRANATE FLESH by Strider Marcus Jones ~ Book Poetry



Paperback, 128 Pages
i’ve set so many fires
in the deepest desires
on this road
and am close to what they hold-
the most for human love
and equal revolution
without the bloody fist and glove
of brutal evolution.
see, how the gold cartel caravan
and religions in corrupt polarity
have usurped the pagan
shrines of all humanity-
making us serfs again
in unframed Lothlorien,
in chains that were strings,
ciliced by mortifications mesh,
while our mind and limbs
long for love’s pomegranate flesh.
Strider Marcus Jones
“The Poems in this collection show Strider’s gift of being able to weave words into creative and surprising configurations. He manipulates words to do his will, taming them with his love for the sounds, rhythms and cadence of language. The result is poetry that is fresh, wild, sensual, and new. His poetry lulls the reader into hypnotic and sensual trances with imaginative renderings of lush landscapes of the mind, body, and nature. Pomegranate Flesh is a wonderful compilation of poems, resonating with a Poet’s passion for life, love, and language.”
By Connie Calomeni
Front cover photograph designed by Lauretta Pearson

Books are available at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/stridermarcusjones1

©Strider Marcus Jones

MAVERICKS by Strider Marcus Jones ~ Book Poetry











Essentially, these poems are about Man and Woman and Love. Romantic and sometimes intimate, they leave their own footsteps in the rural and industrial landscape of today which resonate our profound need to love and be loved, a need that transcends all attempts to homogenise us into one cultural identity. In these poems romance, chivalry and passion come to life. The Ranger’s mind enjoys its exile in the golden forest of Lothlorien wandering through the Pre Raphaelite images. His mythical and mystical ideals, fuse with our thirst for realism and the alienation of pod life in this matrix of Metropolis. Love is more than a singles bar at the end of a hard working week. It is real and tangible, and like life, it makes mistakes. In these poems of love remembered, love now and love to be, exile ends and life begins again.. ~ Strider ~



Books are available at http://www.lulu.com Strider Marcus Jones Poetry Books.

©Strider Marcus Jones


INSIDE OUT by Strider Marcus Jones ~ Book Poetry

Strider Marcus Jones's..Poem/Poetry Videos On YouTube

In these poems about love, life and human conflict, the world is seen from the Inside Out. We are mortal beads, acting on the strings of time. In moments of epiphany, all becomes transparent. Dublin’s likeable whores, swap wisdom’s with old philosophers, while poems about the Cold War, Gaza, CND and life question our spirituality with whispers from Shamen and the Sacred Feminine. Heroes, like JFK, Martin Luther King, Lenin and Che, meet death too soon and find their truths have been betrayed by a society which is now too compounded and complex, but they left us seeds of hope to use, if we don’t destroy their infant shoots. The Love poems here, are always romantic and real and sometimes erotic and mystical.They hold everything together with their gentle glueing of emotions. Each thought becomes a grain of sand, that joins its brothers and sisters on the beach, so the whole, makes us what we are, while the tides of time, take us where we are going..Strider.
Books are available http://www.lulu.com Strider Marcus Jones Poetry Books.

©Strider Marcus Jones

ASPECTS OF LOVE ~ Book ~ Poetry by Strider Marcus Jones










I have published single poems before in anthologies, magazines and the poetry website, Secret Attic, as a competition finalist and prize winner.We all find love at some point on this life’s road. In these poems, I explore this complex journey of feelings, emotions and hopes lived out between two shared souls. Each poem is a cove on loves myriad path, inviting the reader to come in and share its succulent sweetness and dark despair. I have tried to touch that nerve in each of us, in a way that is romantic but real, traditional yet modern. Some of these poems are sensual and erotic, but they all try to convey honest meaning and understanding. This is a journey of love found, lived, lost and found again. From pleasures peak to the wilderness and back. Love is the door we keep open inside and hope will never close, for to love and be loved, means we are not alone. Welcome and well met ~Strider~Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination~Voltaire~

Aspects Of Love (book)


Books are available at http://www.lulu.com Strider Marcus Jones Poetry Books.
©Strider Marcus Jones

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